Friday, June 29, 2012

Term Two - end of term!

What a fun-tastic week we have had!  Busy busy busy!
Jordan was our VIP this week!
It was exciting to have our Winter Warm-up on a day that had actually snowed - while it meant school started a little later and we didn't get as many activities done as we'd planned, it was great to have an authentic atmosphere.

Here is a video with some photos of the day (there seems to be a wee technical glitch when the video reaches the trees photo - if it freezes up (excuse the pun) click ahead to the middle of the video timeframe then click back and it seems to get going then!)

We had pupils dressed up as snowmen, ice hockey players, couch potatoes, snowboarders, netballers and rugby players and more!

We published our winter experience sentences in the form of a huge class campfire and shared this at the celebration time.

Many of us then enjoyed our purchase from the Student Council barbecue, helping raise $300 towards an auction prize for the Battle of the Bridge fundraiser being held in the holidays.  We enjoyed sausages, steak and chops - yum, yum, yum!

Our speeches were presented this week and what a lot of awesome speakers we have in this school!  You can view videos of our speeches here on our YouTube channel:

We are looking forward to the ski trip on the first Friday next term and we will enjoy our holidays as we have worked hard this term!


Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

This term's highlight for me was doing my speech because it was hard work making the speech but fun. - Josh LG

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was making the birdfeeders because it was a great experiment to see which materials worked and what didn't last.

I improved at maths because before I learnt to problem-solve I didn't know how to do it but I've learnt now so it's easy.


Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was winning the Steel competition that we got to go to see the amazing game. It was really great to get that opportunity.

I improved at writing neatly in every book. - Breana

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

For me the highlight was decorating the Steel changing room and watching the game for free. It was the best day of my life!

I improved at spelling because I have reached my goal and that was to get up to mastery lists and I did! -Rhianna

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

The highlight for me was my speech and the winter warmup day - because the speech was a challenge and I ALWAYS LOVE A CHALLENGE and warm up day was because I love dressing up and taking part in activities. - Freya

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

Maddy - the highlight for me was when we played hockey because I learnt new techniques to move the ball.

I improved at how neat my writing is because I started to write a bit more slowly.

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

This term's highlight for me was my speech because I think it went well because I spoke loud and clear and it was interesting. - Brittany

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

This term's highlight for me was the speech because it was goo for me learning it off by heart.

I improved at maths. -Kieran

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was decorating the Steel changing room because Ihad never done that sort of thing before.
I improved at maths because now I can work out an equation more quickly. - Renee

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

this term's highlight was the awesome STEEL EXPERIENCE! It was so amazing and the most awesome experience ever! It was my first live ANZ netball game.

I improved my knowledge of angle degree measuring this term. - Caitlin

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was going to the Steel game - it was fun because it was good to watch the game and get the autographs.

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was improving at hockey because I learned how to play and where you can play on the field. I like hockey! - Josh R

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

This term the highlight was going to the Steel game because I have never been to one before.

I improved at my times/divided basic facts and got faster! - Jordan

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was doing all the Steel stuff like the changing rooms because not many kids get to do that.
I improved at English a lot because I can use paragraphs, pronouns and action verbs in writing. - William

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was doing all the Steel stuff like the changing rooms because not many kids get to do that.
I improved at English a lot because I can use paragraphs, pronouns and action verbs in writing. - William

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

The highlight was going to the Steel game, doing the dressing room up and meeting the players.

I improved at writing neatly, using pen and sloping more and also linking more. - Keryn

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

This term's highlight for me was decorating the Sotuhern Steel's changing room because we put lots of bling in it!

I improved at linking and sloping my writing so people can read it easily. - Maria

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was when we played hockey because you can see your skills, not just the hockey, though there's lots more.

I improved at hockey and it is my third favourite sport. -Nich

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was having the winter warm up because it was good to see everyone having a great time!

I improved at working with other people. - Hayden

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

Shaz - my highlight was going to the Steel netball game because we got to watch a strong game!

I improved at netball this term because I have actually pushed myself this term.

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

This term's highlight was going to the Steel game and doing a guard of honour for the players - it was really fun! - Marina

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

For me the highlight was coming third in the Southland Cross-country because I had been training for a while and as they say 'what you put in is what you get out'.

I improved in hockey because before all I knew to do was dribble it and shoot but now I am a whole other level.

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

I liked the speeches because I felt comfortable doing it.

I improved at my basic facts level because I improved a bit. - Tyla

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

My highlight was the speeches because I like public speaking and writing reasons for something.

I improved at slowing down when I give my speech because I usually talk too fast. - Gabby

Room Kokako 2010-2012 said...

We had a great experience at the Steel game and I learnt that there are quarters in the big games.

I improved at my writing by making it sound fancy. - Josh H