Friday, January 20, 2012


Welcome welcome!

With less than two weeks to go until Term One begins, things are beginning to get busy here at school. I am popping in for an hour or two every now and then to prepare the classroom and plann the term ahead for my wonderful class of talented Year Sixes! With each task that I get crossed off my to-do list I am getting more and more excited about having all the pupils here to get started on the activities that I've got planned!

School begins on Tuesday the 31st January - if you have books from last year we can use them up, and if you haven't yet got your supplies remember the school office will be open each day from Wed 25th.

We already have a busy term planned, with the Year Six Welcome and the Year Six camp coming up, as well as having Miss van Den Beld with us for the first three weeks as part of her teacher training. There will also be "Survivor Edendale" underway as our inquiry theme, athletics and swimming, Sport Southland sports sessions, and plenty more!

Enjoy the last few days of the holidays - I might see you all at Crank Up next weekend!

Cheers, Mrs C