Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Term 2

Since the start of Term 2 we have had a new student teacher Miss Owen in the class. She has been taking groups for maths and for miniball as well as helping with our other lessons.

Room 6 had a fish and chip lunch because we got all our class points filled in - we are now working towards going to the Velodrome and having a basket ball session.

For writing some people are writing peoms about endangered New Zealand birds like the Kakapo, Kokako and the Kiwi. Others have been writing about what they would do if they were castaways on a deserted island and the three items they would most wish to have with them.

We did some pastel portraits with Miss P last term - this is Liam's - we have written stories imagining what we think our portraits would say if they could talk.  You can check them out on our personal blogs (which are now working) through the pupil page of our Room Six wikispace website!

Some people have been doing Rippa rugby coaching with Menzies College pupils to get ready for the Rippa Tournament being held in Riversdale on May. If we win we will have the chance to go to the national final in Auckland.

Our inquiry is about technology and we are looking at how technology changes.  We have decided technology is man-made solutions to meet a need (not just things that need electricity).

By Rhiannon


Mrs Coyle said...

You have done a great job with this post Rhiannon! Great to see you have got the hang of inserting photos! Well done!

Rhiannon said...

that took me alot of typing !!!

Taya said...

Thats my team !!!!

Jordan said...

this week I lernt how to remeber my vest.
I engoyed eating my LUNCH!

I wuuold like to improve my computer skils.